
A Guide to Buddhism A to Z
A Guide to Buddhism A to Z - This book is an easy to read , comprehensive and accurate guide to the Buddha's teaching and the Buddhist perspective on various contemporary issues.
Rs 765.00
Rs 850.00
Sathva Kriyakarithvaya
සත්ව ක්‍රියාකාරීත්වය - සත්ව ලෝකයේ සත්ව ක්‍රියාකාරිත්වය පිළිබඳව මෙම ග්‍රන්ථයෙන් සාකච්ඡා කෙරේ. සත්ව ක්‍රියාකාරිත්වය පිළිබඳ ආගමික මතවාද, සහ නොයෙක් මතවාද තිබුනද ඒවාට පාඨකයාට අන්තගාමී නොවී මධ්‍යස්තව ස්වාධීනව නිගමනයකට පත්වීමට හැකි අයුරින් ග්‍රන්ථය රචනා කර ඇත.
Rs 243.00
Rs 270.00
31 Planes Of Existence
There are 31 different planes wherein a being can be born. This book contains a fairly comprehensive description of those planes or words where existence can find a footing..
Rs 99.00
Rs 110.00
Karma And Rebirth
A paper written by Prof. Lily de Silva to clear some misconception that are prevalent in contemporary society regarding the Buddhist theory of Karma. 
Rs 63.00
Rs 70.00
Punarbhavaye Mulika Siddhantha
පුනර්භවයේ මුලික සිද්ධාන්ත - බෞද්ධ දර්ශනයේ විග්‍රහ කරන විඥාණය හා කාර්ම වේගය යන අභ්‍යන්තර ශක්ති දෙක බාහිර වූ සංස්කාරයන් හා ලෝක විෂය සමග බද්ධවීම මත පුනර්භවයට මග සැලසෙන බව ඉතා සරලව කටත් අවබෝධ කරගත හැකි අයුරින් මෙම ග්‍රන්ථය රචනා කොට ඇත.
Rs 225.00
Rs 250.00
Arya Ashtangika Margaya Hewath Madyama Prathipadawa
ආර්ය අෂ්ටාංගික මාර්ගය හෙවත් මධ්‍යම ප්‍රතිපදාව - මෙම කුඩා ධර්ම සංග්‍රහයෙන් නාහිමිපාණන් විසින් ඉතා සරලව හා සවිස්තරව චතුරාර්ය සත්‍ය හා ආර්ය අෂ්ටාංගික මාර්ගය පිළිබදව ඉදිරිපත් කර ඇත.
Rs 162.00
Rs 180.00
Sasara Gamanedi Siduvu Akusala Karma Paladima
සසර ගමනේදී සිදුවූ අකුසල කර්ම පලදීම - කර්මය හා කර්ම විපාක පිළිබඳව ධර්මානුකුලව සැකෙවින් ලියවුනු ග්‍රන්ථයකි..
Rs 112.50
Rs 125.00
Sathvayage Sitha Saha Prathibaddha Karma Wegaya
සමස්ථ ග‍්‍රන්ථය පුරාම බෞද්ධ කර්ම සංකල්පයේ ස්වභාවය විස්තර කොට ඇත. කර්මයට බුදු දහම තුළ ඇති ප‍්‍රමුඛත්වය, සසර පැවැත්මට කර්මය බලපාන අයුරු සහ කර්මයේ පිරිසිදු බව සසර පැවැත්මට හේතු සාධක වන අයුරුත් විස්තර කෙරේ. පිරිසිදු කර්මයන් සිදු කොට සංයෝජන නසා නිවන් පිණිස වූ ප‍්‍රතිපදාව වඩනා ආකාරය ත‍්‍රිපිටකය මුල්කොට ගෙන අර්ථ විග‍්‍රහකොට ඇත. 
Rs 225.00
Rs 250.00
Theory of Karma in Buddhism
A simple introduction to the Buddhist theory of Karma by Mrs. Geethi Karunaratne; gives an overview and a prelude to prepare the amateur reader for reading and delving deep into Abidharmic Interpretation of the same theory.
Rs 90.00
Rs 100.00
Buddhism In A Nutshell
Buddhism in a Nutshell was first published in 1933. It become so popular among the readers that it was reprinted a number of times. The author of this book, Ven. Narada Maha Thera was an erudite scholar who did yeoman service to the spread of Buddhism both nationally and internationally.
Rs 405.00
Rs 450.00
Letters & Essays
Ven. Kassapa Thera the author of these documents, was a medical person attached to the Government service and started private practice not to earn but to do a service.
Rs 144.00
Rs 160.00
A Gist Of Dhamma
An excellent book encouraging the study of the teachings of the Buddha contained in the Sutrapitaka. 
Rs 99.00
Rs 110.00
Questions And Answers In Buddhism - ( Volume 2)
This book is a Continuation of the book Question and Answers in Buddhism Volume 1. The Questions contained in this book were taken from speaking engagements at interfaith conferences, University seminars, and Dhamma Classes in Winnipeg.
Rs 324.00
Rs 360.00
Questions And Answers In Buddhism - ( Volume 1)
This book includes questions asked by student of the Dhamma and covers such topics as: Why Should I believe in rebirth? What is the Buddhist viewpoint on capital punishment? And Why are there inequalities among marking?
Rs 225.00
Rs 250.00
Letters - Volume II
Correspondences of Ven.Nanavira thera with a number of distinguished personalities forming the second volume of  "Clearing the Path" - a masterpiece !
Rs 567.00
Rs 630.00
Loving And Dying
How to face death serenely, if possible with a smile? The author shares his understanding of death and dying, and reveals the technique of contemplation of death.
Rs 225.00
Rs 250.00
Good Question Good Answer
A modern catechism of Buddhism clearing most of the queries a novice may  likely to encounter regarding Buddhism..
Rs 135.00
Rs 150.00
Pragmatism in Buddhism
Mr.J.P.Pathirana's latest publication in English "Pragmatism in Buddhism' will undoubtedly touch the hearts of readers as his knowledge of the Dhamma and his writing - genius of a high standard. It should interest the general reader, the leaned, or any researcher who needs a deeper study of the Dhamma.
Rs 234.00
Rs 260.00
Problems A Responsibilities
Another inspirational booklet by Ven. Dr.KSri Dhammananda dealing with how to overcome problems you are bound to face in day to day life and discharging the responsibilities..
Rs 72.00
Rs 80.00
The Heart Awakened
People of the world are caught up in a temple a tangle from within, and their entanglement with the world outside. The author asks of you o lord this question. Who can disentangle this entanglement.
Rs 67.50
Rs 75.00
The Buddha's Explanation Of The Universe
This is, more than a subject that should be merely left to the care of the students of Asian Culture and Comparative religions . In the present civilization of widespread social turmoil with so many clouds of future universal insecurity gathering around, thinkers in every field of learning should give their mind to the study of this subject, for , through the influence of knowledge it imparts, humanity on this Earth can yet find it possible to survive for many centuries to come. 
Rs 540.00
Rs 600.00
What Buddhists Believe
What Buddhist Believe answers many question which are asked about Buddhism by Buddhist and non Buddhist alike. There are so many misconceptions regarding superstitions and misinterpretation which are associated with the noble religion that it has become imperative to explain the teaching in a manner which has contemporary relevance.
Rs 450.00
Rs 500.00