
The Way To Ultimate Calm
The Way To Ultimate Calm - Contains eight full discourses by one of the greatest Burmese meditation masters of this century (originally issued in the Wheel series), as well as shorter talks and a 40-page account of U Ba Khin's connections with Webu Sayadaw.
Rs 237.50
Rs 250.00
The Seven Contemplations Of Insight
The Seven Contemplations Of Insight - This is an advanced work, a profound examination of the 'seven contemplations' of classical Pali Buddhism and of the way they are experienced in the actual course of meditation.
Rs 285.00
Rs 300.00
AN UNENTANGLED KNOWING - An inspiring collection of discourses by one of the foremost woman Dhamma teachers of modern Thailand. The teachings are direct and uncompromising in their honesty.
Rs 285.00
Rs 300.00
Tranquility And Insight
Tranquility and Insight - This widely acclaimed book explains the methods of Buddhist meditation in a concise yet complete account according to the oldest Buddhist tradition. While providing all the information necessary to proper understanding, the stress is on the need for practice and personal commitment. “An excellent reference book ... Will appeal to beginners and non-beginners alike.” (Buddhist Studies Review)
Rs 171.00
Rs 180.00
The Power Of Mindfulness
The Power Of Mindfulness - The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate and explain the efficacy of the method of mindfulness (satipatthana), that is, to show the actual power of mindfulness. Those who have already taken up the practice of mindfulness will recognize in this essay features of their own practice, and be encouraged to cultivate them deliberately.
Rs 71.25
Rs 75.00
THINKER`S NOTEBOOK - Collected posthumous papers of the English monk-scholar Nyanamoli, who counts as one of the foremost translators of Pali Buddhist texts into English. Besides being a gifted translator Nyanamoli was also a gifted thinker, philosopher, and poet. Besides some longer essays, most of the notes are only one paragraph long and were written in the 1950s as a Buddhist monk. The notes and essays deal with profound topics such as ontology, metaphysics, nuclear physics, logic, but there is also humour, irony, sarcasm and light poetry. 
Rs 308.75
Rs 325.00
Mind Overcoming Its Cankers
Mind Overcoming Its Cankers - A readable and informative account on the nature of the cankers (asava) and how to overcome them. Based on the Sabbasava Sutta, the second sutta of the Majjhima Nikaya, and its commentary.
Rs 213.75
Rs 225.00
The Four Sublime States
The Four Sublime States - A detailed exposition of the Four Sublime States that form a sine qua non of Buddhist higher life and a comprehensive    exposition  of the practice of loving kindness as given in the Pali canon of Theravada Buddhism.
Rs 95.00
Rs 100.00
In This Very Life
In This Very Life - How to adopt and integrate Buddhist teachings so as to attain liberation in this very life? Here you go…..its about theory and practice of insight meditation.
Rs 332.50
Rs 350.00
The Experience Of Insight
The Experience Of Insight - Every so often, a book appears that has a special value for people who are students of the nature of reality. Joseph Goldstein teaches meditation as a method of experiencing things as they are, entering the remarkable flow of the mind/body process. This work, comprised of unusually clear instructions and discourses given during a 30-day Vipassana meditation retreat, is a day-to-day journey into Mind.
Rs 237.50
Rs 250.00
The Path OF Freedom
The Path OF Freedom - A manual of Buddhist meditation for those who are intent on leading a strictly contemplative life. Conjectured to be the precursor to the Buddhaghosa’s Visuddhimagga, the classic manual of meditation.
Rs 1,425.00
Rs 1,500.00
The Meditative Mind
The Meditative Mind - Talks on meditation by the Buddhist nun Ayye Khema ingraining depth, clarity, understanding humour and skill.
Rs 142.50
Rs 150.00
Our Real Home
Our Real Home - It’s about meditation and letting go. Of integrating Buddha Dhamma into real life.. Ven. Ajahn chah discourses to one by him lay discipline stricken with illness and approaching death.
Rs 76.00
Rs 80.00
Contemplation Of Feelings
Contemplation Of Feelings - Contemplation of Feelings is an indispensable part of the Four Foundations of Mindfulness (sathipattana). Ven. Nyanaponika Thera deals exhaustively  with this aspect of Satipattana Vipassana and shows you how to integrate it with the whole system of meditation.
Rs 80.75
Rs 85.00
Metta The Philosophy
Metta The Philosophy - The present booklet aims at exploring the various facets of mettā both in theory and in practice. The examination of the doctrinal and ethical side of mettā will proceed through a study of the popular Karaniyametta Sutta, the Buddha’s “Discourse of Universal Love” and several other short texts. The explanation of the meditation on universal love will give practical directions for developing this type of contemplation as set forth in the main meditation texts of the Theravada Buddhist tradition.
Rs 118.75
Rs 125.00
A Technique of Living
A Technique of Living - A course in Buddhist livelihood for the removal of stress and anxiety of everyday life by Leonard Bullen. Immensely of benefit to those afflicted with stress and anguish.
Rs 166.25
Rs 175.00
Buddha My Refuge
Buddha My Refuge - This book weaves together a rich variety of texts from the Pali Canon illustrating each of the Buddha's nine outstanding virtues. The result is a beautiful and inspiring anthology of suttas on the personality of the Blessed One.
Rs 142.50
Rs 150.00
All Of Us Beset By Birth Decay And Death
All Of Us Beset By Birth Decay And Death - A series of talks on Buddhist meditation given by one of its staunchest practitioners in the West. Likely to have tremendous appeal for vipassana practitioners all over the globe.
Rs 95.00
Rs 100.00
Curbing Anger Spreading Love
Curbing Anger Spreading Love - In an easy, conversational style, the author discusses 16 ways to control and overcome anger, and offers instructions on how to practice the meditation on universal love.
Rs 180.50
Rs 190.00
Settling Back Into The Moment
Settling Back Into The Moment - A selection of verses from the book "Experience of Insight" by Joseph Goldstein. A meditator's inspirational guide, caricatured for effectiveness.
Rs 157.50
Rs 175.00
Maga Eli Peheliya
මග එළි පෙහෙළිය - මග එළි පෙහෙළිය භාවනාව හා බුදු දහම ගැන උනන්දුවක් දක්වන ගවේෂකයන්ට ය. එය බුදුන් වදාළ දහම සඳහා හොඳම මූලාශ්‍රය පාලි පෙළෙහි සූත්‍ර බහුතරය බව තහවුරු කරයි.
Rs 1,425.00
Rs 1,500.00
Bhawana Aprakata Lipi
ගත පෙනෙන කැඩපත ඉදිරියේ හැඩ වෙනවාට වඩා සිත දකින භාවනාවට සමවැදීමෙන් අපට සතුට ගෙන දෙයි. නිවනට අවැසි භාවනා විධි ප‍්‍රායෝගිකව හුරුකළ අපේ කාලයේ වැඩහිදි උතුම් යතිවරුන් තිදෙනෙකුගේ සදහම් සිතිවිලි භාවනා අප‍්‍රකට ලිපි කෘතියට ඇතුළත් කර තිබේ. 
Rs 118.75
Rs 125.00